A PDF of the following Terms of Reference is available for download here.


Terms Of Reference For:


Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018


Responsibilities under the ALPA Constitution

  1.  Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee
  2. Preside at all meetings of the members
  3. General management and supervision of ALPA’s affairs and operations
  4. Sign all by-laws together with the Secretary (or other appointed officer)
  5. Sign all deeds, transfers, licenses, contracts and engagements together with the Secretary
  6. Sign or authorize all cheques or other forms of payment together with the Treasurer

additional duties

1.     Ensure ALPA adheres to the Constitution
2.     Ensure ALPA adheres to Ontario Corporations Act and Income Tax Act requirements[1]
3.     Prepare and approve an agenda of the Executive Committee with input from the Committee members
4.     Prepare and approve an agenda of the Member meetings with input from the members
5.     Request committee reports in advance of the Spring and AGM Executive Committee meeting
6.     Formally invite the township Reeve to Member meetings
7.     Lead the Executive Committee in setting the strategic direction of the association
8.     Educate and train the incoming President on the responsibilities and duties
9.     Together with other Executive members, organize and coordinate Fun Day
10.  Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Website
Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Welcome/Members Resource kit

[1] And any other legal requirement which may come into effect from time to time

Terms Of Reference For:


Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018

Responsibilities under the ALPA Constitution

  1. Assume the responsibilities of the President during his/her temporary absence or inability

additional duties

  1. Prepare to serve as future President
  2. Consult and advise the President
  3. Chair at least one committee
  4. Sign or authorize all cheques or other legally binding documents in the President’s absence
  5. Together with other Executive members, organize and coordinate Fun Day
  6. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Website
  7. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Welcome/Members Resource kit

Terms Of Reference For:


Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018

Responsibilities under the ALPA Constitution

  1. Clerk of the Executive Committee
    a.     Give notice for all Executive and Member meetings
    b.     Introduce agenda items at all meetings
    c.      Keep meetings on point and on time
    d.     Advise the Chair and members on the operation of proceedings
    e.     Record all votes and all decisions

  2. Record all facts and minutes of all proceedings

  3.  Custodian of the corporate seal

  4. Custodian of all corporate books, papers, records, correspondence, contracts and other documents belonging to ALPA
    a.     Register of Directors (must be retained for 6 years)*
    b.     Register of Members
    c.      Minutes of meetings of the Members (must be retained for 6 years)*

  5. Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee (must be maintained for 6 years)*

  6. Produce corporate documents only when authorized by resolution of the Executive Committee*

  7. Sign all by-laws together with the President

  8. Sign all deeds, transfers, licenses, contracts and engagements together with the President and affix the corporate seal as required

additional duties

  1. Ensure there is a quorum at all Executive Committee and Member meetings

  2. Complete and file all Form 1 (Notice of Change) within 15 days of a change in the Directors or Officers *

  3. Send notes of condolence to Members following the loss of a family member

  4. Collect attestation of Director nominee eligibility *

  5. Collect annual attestation of Directors’ ongoing eligibility

  6. Keep records of Executive Committee attendance

  7. Distribute minutes within three weeks following Executive meetings

  8. Distribute minutes within six weeks following Members meetings

  9. Conduct all general ALPA correspondence

  10. Circulate FOCA newsletters to the Members

  11. Maintain the ALPA mailing list

  12. Educate and train the incoming Secretary on the responsibilities and duties

  13. Together with other Executive members, organize and coordinate Fun Day

  14. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Website

  15. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Welcome/Members Resource kit

* Legal obligation under the Ontario Corporations Act

Terms Of Reference For:


Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018

Responsibilities under the ALPA Constitution

  1. Keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements

  2. Keep full and proper books of account  (must be retained for 7 years)**

  3. Deposit all money or other valuable effected in the name for ALPA in bank accounts designated by the Executive Committee

  4. Disburse funds under direction of the Executive Committee, sign or authorize all cheques or other forms of payment together with either the President or Secretary

*Legal obligation under the Canada Income Tax Act

additional duties

  1. Serve on the Executive Committee

  2. Maintain the Members paid in full and Members in arrears list

  3. Present the ALPA financials at each AGM

  4. Prepare an annual budget

  5. Negotiate the ALPA insurance policy under direction of the Executive Committee

  6. Ensure all financial reports are filed

  7. Submit appropriate annual filing to CRA *

  8. Correspond with the CRA under the direction of the Executive Committee

  9. Negotiate the investment of ALPA assets under the direction of the Executive Committee

  10. Educate and train the incoming Treasurer on the responsibilities and duties

  11. Together with other Executive members, organize and coordinate Fun Day

  12. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Website

  13. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Welcome/Members Resource kit

Terms Of Reference For:

Member(s) At Large

Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018


  1. Serve on the Executive Committee

  2. Communicate concerns of the Members to the Executive Committee

  3. Represent the interests of the Members in the Executive Committee

  4. Actively participates in the recruitment and retention of Members

  5. Together with other Executive members, organize and coordinate Fun Day

  6. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Website

  7. Together with other Executive members, review and approve contents of the ALPA Welcome/Members Resource kit

Terms Of Reference For:

Past President – Not a voting member of the Executive

Last Reviewed:August 17, 2016   Approved: August 17, 2016   Next Review: May, 2018


  1. Support the current President through a change in management
  2. Chair the nominating committee for the recruitment of new Executive Committee or other committee members
  3. Support the Executive and Committee Heads by seeking volunteers to fill necessary committee positions