ALPA aims to:

  1. Promote the cultural and social interests of the seasonal and permanent residents and land owners on Ashby Lake, in the Township of Addington Highlands.

  2. Promote the interests of, and advance plans for, the advantage of seasonal and permanent residents and land owners on the said Ashby Lake;

  3. Promote aquatic, social and other activities for the benefit of all residents and land owners on Ashby Lake and vicinity;

  4. Promote environmental stewardship to protect the flora, fauna, soil, water and all components of the Ashby Lake environment including its view-shed and dark night sky; 

  5. Study and report on all Municipal and provincial Government plans affecting the residents or uses of land on Ashby Lake and vicinity, and to make representations to the various levels of Government with respect to all such matters.


Committees include:

Water Quality Committee

The purpose of the Water Quality Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional objectives by actively monitoring and reporting on the water quality of Ashby Lake, and to promote and educate the permanent and seasonal residents on water quality issues and practices.

Read the full Terms of Reference for the Water Quality Committee

Fish, Wildlife & Forestry

The Committee will monitor and respond to issues raised by cottagers in The purpose of the Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by actively monitoring and reporting on Fish, Wildlife and Forestry matters affecting, or anticipated to affect the permanent and seasonal residents of Ashby Lake and surrounding environs.

Read the full Terms Of Reference for the Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Committee

Docks & Lake Access

The purpose of the Docks and Lake Access Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring ALPA’s five docks (the landing, and the Ashby/King portage and the King/Barker portage) and access points such as boat landings, ramps and portages are in good repair.

Read the full Terms Of Reference for the Dock and Lake Access Committee

Buoys Committee

The purpose of the Buoys Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring the appropriate seasonal placement and maintenance of a hazard marking system for ensuring safe boating on Ashby Lake.

Read the full Terms Of Reference for the Buoys Committee

Water & Fire Safety Committee

The purpose of the Water and Fire Safety Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring the appropriate use of Ashby Lake and surrounding lands to ensure the safety of all persons and wildlife.

Read the full Terms Of Reference for the Water and Fire Safety Committee

Special Activities Committee

The purpose of the Special Activities Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by providing and promoting appropriate social activities to engage and entertain the permanent and seasonal residents.

Read the full Terms Of Reference for the Special Activities Committee