Terms Of Reference For:
Water Quality
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Water Quality Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional objectives by actively monitoring and reporting on the water quality of Ashby Lake, and to promote and educate the permanent and seasonal residents on water quality issues and practices.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head, and any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Responsible for water sampling in accordance with the Water Sampling and Testing (Inland Lakes) program guidelines published by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.
- Secchi disc readings and corresponding water samples will be taken between May 1 and October 31 of each year.
- Submit water samples to a licensed water testing laboratory.
- Keep abreast of current technologies for water quality observation and advances in testing.
- Educate, advise and liaise with permanent and seasonal residents on water quality problems and actions to be taken to protect and maintain Ashby Lake’s water quality balancing ALPA’s objectives of environmental stewardship and aquatic and recreational activities.
- Research and report on potential actions to remediate any water quality issues identified.
- Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Annual General Meeting.
The Annual Water Quality Report is to include:
a. Water testing results and trending;
b. Any issues identified;
c. Any new pollution free devices, water pollution-reducing actions or technologies;
d. Recommended one-time or special water sampling programs;
e. Any changes to Provincial or Municipal Government rules as they affect water quality.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Annual General Meeting. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding water quality or the Water Quality Committee activities.
Terms Of Reference For:
Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Committee
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by actively monitoring and reporting on Fish, Wildlife and Forestry matters affecting, or anticipated to affect the permanent and seasonal residents of Ashby Lake and surrounding environs.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head plus:
a. Head of Fish and Fisheries subcommittee
b. Head of Wildlife subcommittee
c. Head of Forestry subcommittee
d. Any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
The Committee Head may also serve as a subcommittee head.
The Committee Head, in consultation with the ALPA Executive, may spin up any additional subcommittees as required to address substantial matters of concern which may require additional resources.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Responsible for Liaising with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on proposed or changed regulations or activities including, but not limited to:
a. Fish stocking plans for Ashby and surrounding lakes
b. Fishing and Hunting Seasons
c. Fishing and Hunting Quotas
d. Forestry plans and activities
e. Any MNR bulletins or reference material related to these matters - Monitor and report on any specific fish, wildlife or environmental concerns such as infestations, invasive species, disease or contagions.
Monitor fishing and hunting activity on Ashby Lake and in surrounding environs.
Represent ALPA concerns with Provincial and Municipal authorities as they relate to fish, wildlife or forestry concerns.
Educate, advise and liaise with permanent and seasonal residents on responsible fishing, hunting and environmental protection.
Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Spring and Annual General Meetings.
The Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Reports are to include:
a. Fish Stocking Plans for Ashby and surrounding lakes
b. Open and closing dates of Fish Seasons and quotas
c. Open and closing dates of Hunting Seasons and quotas
d. Notification of any known invasive species, infestations or disease reported which may impact permanent and seasonal residents or their pets.
e. Report on any unusual or dangerous wildlife activity which poses a threat or hazard to permanent and seasonal residents, or any dangerous activities of such residents which poses an undue threat to wildlife.
f. Summary of any discussions with Provincial or Municipal authorities pertaining to fishing, wildlife or forestry.
g. Summary of any discussions or negotiations with private organizations pertaining to fishing, wildlife or forestry.
h. Forestry plans and updates.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring and the Annual General Meetings. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding fish, wildlife or forestry or Fish, Wildlife and Forestry Committee activities.
Terms Of Reference For:
Docks and Lake Access Committee
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Docks and Lake Access Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring ALPA’s five docks (the landing, and the Ashby/King portage and the King/Barker portage) and access points such as boat landings, ramps and portages are in good repair.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head plus any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
Duties & Responsibilities
Responsible for inspecting the five noted docks at least twice a year, preferably in advance of the spring and fall ALPA member meetings.
Identify any necessary repairs and propose a reasonable budget to the Executive.
Organize and oversee such necessary repairs.
Procure any required repair or building materials within the approved budget, and submit itemized, fully auditable invoices for expenses incurred.
Monitor and report on dangerous or concerning public boat launching, derelict boats or inappropriate use of docks and access points.
Liaise with Provincial and Municipal governments and agencies on matters regarding Public boat launching and hazardous Crown land access points.
Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Spring and Annual General Meetings.
The Docks and Lake Access Reports are to include:
a. Report on the state of the five docks and access points.
b. Summary of any maintenance or repairs made, or to be made.
c. Any update or bulletin on Provincial or Municipal authorities affecting the docks and lake access.
d. Reports on any hazards, unusual activities or derelict boats posing a potential concern to permanent and seasonal residents.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring and the Annual General Meetings. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding docks and lake access, or any repair and maintenance activities.
Terms Of Reference For:
Buoys Committee
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Buoys Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring the appropriate seasonal placement and maintenance of a hazard marking system for ensuring safe boating on Ashby Lake.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head plus any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
Duties & Responsibilities
Responsible for the installation and positioning of appropriate hazard markers prior to the opening of the Victoria Day long weekend.
Responsible for the removal, cleaning and storage of the hazard markers the first weekend of November.
Periodically inspect the hazard markers for any required repairs.
Identify any necessary repairs or maintenance and propose a reasonable budget to the Executive.
Procure any required repair or replacements materials within the approved budget, and submit itemized, fully auditable invoices for expenses incurred.
Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Spring and Annual General Meetings.
The Docks and Lake Access Reports are to include:
a. Report on the state of the five docks and access points.
b. Summary of any maintenance or repairs made, or to be made.
c. Any update or bulletin on Provincial or Municipal authorities affecting the docks and lake access.
d. Reports on any hazards, unusual activities or derelict boats posing a potential concern to permanent and seasonal residents.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring and the Annual General Meetings. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding docks and lake access, or any repair and maintenance activities.
Terms Of Reference For:
Water and Fire Safety Committee
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Water and Fire Safety Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by ensuring the appropriate use of Ashby Lake and surrounding lands to ensure the safety of all persons and wildlife.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head plus any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
Duties & Responsibilities
Propose and promote procedures for dealing with fire emergencies arising on Ashby Lake.
Educate and encourage all boat operators to acquire the Ontario Pleasure Craft Operators Card and to abide by applicable boating laws and regulations.
Monitor and report on any changes to applicable boating laws and regulations.
Liaise with the local OPP or Canadian Coast Guard to provide information (lectures, reports, bulletins) on various aspects of water safety including, but not limited to water skiing, boat handling, wind surfing, snorkeling and SCUBA diving etc.
Monitor and advise on safe boating and aquatic-based recreational activities.
Liaise with the Municipal Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal’s office on any fire prevention or threats for the region.
Maintain the Ashby Lake Fire Danger Rating Sign.
Initiate and oversee periodic testing of the fire pumps on Ashby Lake and work with their custodians to ensure they are maintained in a ready state.
Arrange for periodic demonstrations and training on the use of the fire pumps, including up-to-date instructions on the operation of the pumps.
Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Spring and Annual General Meetings.
The Water and Fire Safety Committee Reports are to include:
a. Report on the testing and general state of repair of the fire pumps.
b. Any issues or bulletins provided by the OPP or Canadian Coast Guard on water safety and boating matters.
c. Any issues or bulletins provided by the Local Fire Chief or Fire Marshal’s office on fire hazards, prevention and safety.
d. Summary of any observed activities or behaviours of concern to the general water and fire safety of permanent and seasonal residents or their guests.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring and the Annual General Meetings. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding water and fire safety, or any repair and maintenance activities.
Terms Of Reference For:
Water and Special Activities Committee
Last Reviewed: August 17, 2016 Approved: August 17, 2016 Next Review: May, 2018
The purpose of the Special Activities Committee is to support ALPA’s Constitutional Aims by providing and promoting appropriate social activities to engage and entertain the permanent and seasonal residents.
Committee Composition
The committee shall be comprised of a Committee Head plus:
a. Head of Fun Day subcommittee
b. Head of David Scott Memorial Golf Tournament subcommittee
c. Any number of supporting members required by the Head to execute on the Duties and Responsibilities outlined below.
The Committee Head may also serve as the head of a subcommittee.
The Committee Head, in consultation with the ALPA Executive, may spin up any additional subcommittees as required to support any additional Special Activities.
Duties & Responsibilities
Lead and coordinate the organization of ALPA’s annual Fun Day.
Lead and coordinate the organization of the David Scott Memorial Golf Tournament.
Lead and coordinate the organization of any other social activities or events for the ALPA Members.
Publish and/or disseminate an agenda for the special activity or event.
Prepare and present a proposed budget for each special activity or event for Executive approval.
Procure any materials required to execute the special activity or event in accordance with the approved budget and submit itemized, fully auditable invoices for expenses incurred.
Maintain and store, or arrange storage for any ALPA materials related to the special activity or event (i.e. ALPA barbeques, horse shoes, etc.)
Prepare and submit a written report for the ALPA Spring and Annual General Meetings.
The Special Activities Reports are to include:
a. Planned special activities and events together with the dates.
b. Proposals for additional special activities.
c. List of volunteers and/or request for volunteers.
d. Summary of special activities or events passed.
Reports are to be submitted to the President or Secretary two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring and the Annual General Meetings. The Committee Head, or a delegate, is expected to be present at the Annual General Meeting to address any Member questions, forward any motions, and participate in any discussions regarding planned, proposed or held special events.